Elliott Fouts Gallery - "Forever Picnics" is a show of 20 works by nationally known figurative painter Roland Petersen.
"Forever Picnics" is a show of 20 works by nationally known figurative painter Roland Petersen, who was a member of the core art faculty at the University of California, Davis, along with Wayne Thiebaud, Robert Arneson, William T. Wiley and Manuel Neri. The show is up at Elliott Fouts Gallery, 1831 P St., Sacramento.
Nationally recognized artist Judith Foosaner offers a series of stunning black-and-white abstractions in a variety of media in "Back Story" at Alex Bult Gallery, 1114 21st St., Suite B., Sacramento
Bay Area artist Kimberly Rowe's abstract paintings on canvas, panel and fabric are up with works by Sung Won Yun in an invitational show at Axis Gallery, 1517 19th St., Sacramento
The Last Collaborations of Laureen Landau" is a fascinating show of works by prominent area artists working with unfinished paintings by the late Laureen Landau, who taught for many years at Sacramento City College. The exhibition is on view at Archival Gallery, 3223 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento.