Jason Bove and Matt Brown are trying to accomplish what years of struggle and millions of dollars spent by the city of Sacramento have failed to achieve: making the 800 block of K Street attractive.
Jason Bove works last week on a mural at Eighth and K streets designed to hide the hole in the ground that's been there since a rundown building fell over in a windstorm 10 years ago. The 150-foot mural will feature a sweeping skyline.
Muralists Jason Bove, left, and Matt Brown gather paints to work on the mural. The Downtown Sacramento Partnership raised $7,000 for the project, which paid for the artists' supplies.
Jason Bove works last week on a mural at Eighth and K streets designed to hide the hole in the ground that's been there since a rundown building fell over in a windstorm 10 years ago. The 150-foot mural will feature a sweeping skyline.