Yulia Pinkusevich excavated a pile of broken wood, discarded windows, squashed toys and other urban flotsam at the public dump one fall afternoon until she uncovered a plastic board dotted with holes.
Surveying a landscape of debris, Yulia Pinkusevich and Stephanie Syjuco seek inspiration. As one artist reflected, “There is no trash. There are just brand-new things and no place for them anymore."
Yulia Pinkusevich carts away material she found at Recology, San Francisco’s recycling dump . She is one of two artists selected to take part in the Artist in Residence program. The program, founded in 1990 to educate people about recycling and conservation, plans 10 to 15 art shows a year.
As an Artist in Residence, Yulia Pinkusevich gets a stipend, dump access and work space, above.