The saga of Ruby Bridges, a brave 6-year-old who became the first African American student to integrate Louisiana schools in 1960, came to life Friday at the Crocker Art Museum's Family Kwanzaa Concert.
The Crocker Art Museum's Norman Rockwell exhibit shows how the artist's work developed, taking on a more serious tone in the 1960s. The Saturday Evening Post only wanted traditional views, so he moved to Look.
Norman Rockwell's painting "The Problem We All Live With," on display at the Crocker through Feb. 3, inspired Deborah Pittman's multimedia piece.
A Ruby Bridges puppet is controlled by, left to right, Slater Penney, Spencer Tregilgas and Will Klundt as dancers Nicole Manker, Andrea Porras and Hanna Yanni perform in Deborah Pittman's "Big Dreams, Small Shoulders" at the Crocker Art Museum on Friday.